Wednesday 9 May 2012

promise ng UNEMPLOYED!!

ive been unemployed for one month and 19days to be exactly. its not easy though. yea it feels good to be home, you can do watevs you want to;watch, eat, sleep, go surf the net all day long:) but there are some points that you'll get bored and you miss working and of course earning money on your own:) i never thought that i'll be unemployed this long, i thought i can find another job to work on easily, but somehow i was wrong, totally. im planning on working on a hotel, any kind, as a room attendant(that's my goal right now) i just need some experience. but for now, as being unemployed, i promise:

*not to spend money- of course i will, dont have choice

*avoid gala- basically its conected with the first promise:) also i want to focuse on finding a job, but though i can still, but not that much

*avoid too much gimicks- yea! im practicing that eversince, not just now that im unemployed, but thoroughly.

*ill read read read- in other words i'll study, being fluent in english must be.

*help the household chores- yea!im doing it, but sometimes im too lazy to move that i havent done anything for one whole day. amsorry:*

*minimize fb maximize blogging- haha! like:)

*minimize flirting- yes i am, the last time i only had one and now nothing:)) totally nothing:)) promise i'll behave. trust me

last but not the least:
*strive strike struck- make efforts, do your best and aim for a new job!!!!!!!!



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