Saturday 14 July 2012

still "NO" for the 3rd time, Friday the 13th kaxe:)

I wasnt able to write here on my blogsite for almost one month? haha.

HEIGHT! HEIGHT! HEIGHT! In hotel industry, Why is it the highest qualification that an applicant should possess????
Today was half crazy. I was endorsed @New World Hotel, actually ive never heard that hotel before. I have to search files bout it and to my surprise, its a 5star hotel:) I got excited:)) It was located in Makati, beside Greenbelt5. I woke up early in the morning just to make this on the right track. I really should put my best effort on it, since it was my third interview on a hotel + the fact that it's a five atar. I found out that today was Friday the 13th, I dont believe about badlucks during this rare days coz for me its a reverse, I feel always lucky instead. lol. I headed the hotel, it was easy to find. I was amazed by the ambiance the hotel has, so sossy and cozy. I looked @ the entrance of the hotel very much, cause i was applying for a doorlady position, just curious how they work things there. The bellman and the ushers even the vallet parker, theyre all handsome:) as in..(palong palo) I went straight to the employee's entrance, as usual @the back part of the hotel, as instructed by the guards. One point why i love'd this industry is that all the employees are very much hospitable, you can always see the smile in their faces:)) To my surprise, my name wasn't listed on the endorsement letter. WTF! I was like, OMG its not happening. I called my agency, my coor and asked her about the situation. I was relieved when she informed me that everything's settled, there was just an error bout those such endorsement. We're all 14 female applicants waiting for the interviewer. Nervous? not so quite, im getting used of the interview portion. I hate male interviewers,they're soo hard to read unlike to female ones, you can easily distinguished if they like you or not. I had a time to chat with the other applicants. Almost everybody has their own degrees, HRM or TOURISM + work experiences. As usual I felt dissapointed for my background, but i know in myself that i have the willingness so i can do it even better than them. We're all surprised when the hr staff told us that she doesn't accept applicants whose HEIGHT is below 5'4, regardless the education and working backgrounds, even the pleasing personality. OMG! only two of us 14applicants were able to meet the HEIGHT requirement. POtek! After  almost 2hour standing there, I wasnt able man lang to show them what ive got. ERRR! It'll be much better for me to fail the interview portion than to just fail the HEIGHT REQUIREMENT, gosh 1 INCH lang standing 5'3 lang eh, i even wear 3inches heels, just to make my HEIGHT higher(buwis paa na nga), It can be excused sana eh cause i looked tall, but in my resume I was just 5'3 lang. So it all ended up NOTHING!
But i never regret, it was already an experience for me, i just really want that hotel to work with,it was my first time to see that place and based on what ive scene, im totally inlove with it:))
I wasnt able to took a picture, my bad, I was just really excited and dissapointed the whole time and forget to capture any moment of it:))

Since today, I do believed already that Friday the 13th has its both luck, it could be bad or good:) and this is for the first time, ive got the bad one:)
As far as i know, TODAY i did my best, but it never work out how i wanted to be, sooooo its not working according to my plan but instead on GOD's plan:)))

#positive and faith lang:)


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