Saturday 2 November 2013


Well, its 1:23 am, time check and Im still awake? hha. 2 days no work, 2 consecutive holidays. In a while nanghinayang ako, but then I realized okay na din, atleast I took some rest, super rest. I didnt do anything but to eat, sleep, watch tv and talked to my bebeloves :) well, you heard it right. were still together. On this coming thursday its our 2nd monthsary, akalain mu yun, from trash to splash, who would have told that we'll make it better this time. haha. I still love him, it grows every single day. walang araw that i dont think bout him, I love him superb, as in, major, alot, most!! :) lol. I can say that our love now is much more stronger, much more unbreakable. haha sooo assuming lang ampeg ku. hay basta, he always tells me that he loves me much, it may be a fact or a lie, bahala sya, basta I have given everything on him, proved how much I love him, its up to him nlang if he's gonna real or for fun still. confession? uhm.. Im not virgin anymore. after 21years of preserving it, I finally gave up, and to him. hay! I dont know exactly why I let it happened, but it was choice, my decision. I think about it a thousand times, whether I should give it or not, but in the end my love for him, my seriously deeply unconditional love for him won. I just love him so bad. And I dont regret that I had given my virginity to him. and i dont know if it'll be worth it in the future. I can still remember myself  telling how i'd love to give my virginity the man Im gonna marry someday, and I didnt made that promise came true. But you know what, now I realized how LOVE can change anything. I was totally different from the aiah before. He made me weak for a while, lalo na the times na feeling ko hopeless na kame maging together again, that time feeling ku minsan its pointless to live and fulfill my dreams. cguro nga sya tlga ang first love ku :)Its the first time that I have love somebody as much as this level. basta I love him soooo much, I dont until when, but im not gonna regret that he was my first and will cherish every moment that we'll gonna share yesterday, today and tomorrow :) Well, what does it feel for the first time, I know I might sound O.A, but it hurts to the bones, as in, many had told me that it hurts but I never thought that it hurts as what i had felt. grabe, sobra at sobrang sakit pala tlga. I never felt any pleasure the whole time we did that. It feels good to see lang tlga kase ur doing it with someone you truly love :)It happened last october 20, 2013 :) And lets change the topic, bout my career. ehem, Im one year working @ shangri-la now. Cant believe it sometimes, I thought that I'm not gonna last as long as that. unbelievable but true. Another achievement I guess, onting kembot pa sa shang, next year Im gonna try my luck applying finally on a cruiseship, little by littlle Im getting closer there. Khit na mainlove pa ku ng bongga, nothing can stop me still in pursuing that. That's my dream still, seeing myself in europe or in a cruiseship. Im not gonna stop tlga until its not happening. :) I thank Lord God for everything that I have now, for the strenght, blesssings (including having rob for the forth time in my life) and the trials that mades me stronger each day, also for a complete family :) I love you soooo much Lord God, nomatter what happens I put the credits on you :) Thank you :)

I guess my life now is smooth sailing. Every details runs on the right track. Im much contended :)

till next time :)
