Sunday 16 September 2012

CASINO thing is NOT my thing!

Hmmmm.. Guess what? Im still unemployed for the past 176days.. lol for that LONG :( But since I have more and more FAITH on Him(God), Im less worried :) Okay let's talk bout that CASINO thing, since that's the title of this blog entry :)

You'll not gonna believe who texted me yesterday(09-14-12), Magsaysay Maritime Corp. OMG to the 100th time! Ive known that company eversince I was a college student at PMI way back 2years from now. Ive heard lots an lots of rumors bout that, some says "Naku Magsaysay? Mahirap makapasok jan, mahigpit sobrrra! Kelangan madae ka experience, Naku bata kpa, di ka tatanggapin jan, Kelangan ng backer jan, palakasan jan eh". Wheew those were some of the thoughts Ive got from my friends whenever I asked them bout Magsaysay. So I myself, never tried to go there to have an application, I was totally scared! Not until yesterday. How did I got there? Okay, almost 2months ago I opened my JOBsdb account and to my surprise I saw an add from them, that they need GSA/Casino staff, here's a printscreen copy of the available position on them:

Age? check! College level? check! with or WITHOUT experience? super check! Soo, just when I saw this I immediately click the quick apply button. I mean, haler! I may not be familiar with the position, but I dont mind it, It's on seabased/CRUISESHIP baby! That's my biggest dream right now! lol. So, going back to the story, I did that application almost 2mos from now, as what ive said a while ago. So I never ever thought that they'll gonna text me yesterday. Just when I read the msg, I shouted outloud, my mom and sis thought Im crazy coz of the shout, they thought I won the first prize on a lottery! haha. Without any hesitation I replied on them! On my way @kalaw, to their office, I was like soooo much "tulalei". I dont know why? Maybe coz, its my first time, you know applying for cruiseship, seriously and in MAGSAYSAY pa! Im soo scared with them! But I was like "Bahala na! testing lang! kiber what would happen later, basta soya lang" to myself. I was late, It was 4:30pm wherein I should be there by 4:00pm, my bad, I forgot that it was Friday yesterday, meaning soooo traffic + I almost forgot how to get there in Kalaw, Ive never been there for almost a year. To my surprise, the guard asked me alot before letting me in the bldg. Wow, as I enter I saw lots of applicants, how did I know they were all applicants? haha! It's their recruitment department eh! haha! I go straight to the reception and they entertained me immediately. They get my weigh and HEIGHT! and wait for my turn for the screening/interview. It was taglish, so good, female interviewer. We talked everything on my resume. In short- I failed! I didnt make it. Why? First and foremost coz of my HEIGHT. Im just 156cm wherein the qualifications says it should be 162cm. 6cm. made a difference! Another one, my hands!:

What's with that? Since Im applying for a casino staff, the hands are the most important thing! they should be PERFECT! I had 2 fowls, first, I have a mole and second I have a sweaty hands. That two factor is a big big no if you want to be a casino staff. Plus I dont have any idea about the gambling stuff. Swear, I dont even know how to play poker, pusoy or even tong-its. haha. And that's how it ended.
 What motivates me that time, was the interviewer's words of wisdom, she asked me if I really want to be on a CRUISEship, I said yes aloud. I told her I want to be a cabin steward, She told me that my past experinces were great, its a good start and if I already have worked on a 3-5 star hotel for atleast a year then it'll be much easier for me to achieve what I want. She says Im to young and I have lots of opportunities. Before going home, I went to Quiapo church, sent my prayers and told to myself, "Maybe, it isnt the right time, I may not be for a GSA position coz what I want is to be a cabin steward, I know I'll achieve it someday, I'll strive more and more, do watever it takes just to make it happen:)"

That was the second attempt on being a casino dealer. One month ago, I also tried my luck and applied as an online casino dealer @Ortigas, a friend of mine told the infos on me, since she is working there. She told me, CASINO is great, petics na work + easy and bigger money. So I got curios bout this casino thing. Hmm.. I must try, this new world. When they texted me for an interview it was a blast coz I cant believe that they texted me again since i've rejected the first invitation coz I had interview @shang. haha. Me and the other applicants had our panel interview and screening with the korean owners. As a result I didnt make it. But it never bothered me. I know I didnt do my best there, and honestly I dont like working in there promise, somehow I feel its somelike an illegal business, I smell something on this company. BASTA!

After that two attempts being on the gambling industry, I must say! it isnt my thing really! But im not closing my doors. You'll never know someday I'll master all those gambling games and be one of the effective casino dealers we had today.. haha as if! Seriously, sometimes trying a new world is not wrong or bad, its a matter of trying trial and error, since everything in this world is free to dig on, why shouldn't I try anything, everything. Ill do it, if its the way of achieving my top goal: CRUISESHIP! :)

As for now, Im taking my road slowly but surely. I want things to be on the right track. On Monday will be my 4th out of 5sets of interviews @makati Shangri-la. Just a few step on my target now: to be in a 5star hotel. It's hard, really hard. But through strongly faith on Him I know I can do it. :)



Thursday 6 September 2012

Hey what's going ONnnn??!!

aug. 10, 2012 entry :)

okay. its been almost a month since i last wrote. uhm i just dont feel like doing it. As you can see the date, it's AUGUST now, 4months and 20days unemployed :( Im still not giving up. Im maybe so upset this past few months but now i know things should never pushed when its still not to happen, that no matter how i plan things, in the end its God who's gonna decide everything..:) (faith lang.) Uhm as this month dropsby, i started passing resumes via online. And guess what, just the day after, i got responseS. Good responses, i must say:) Ive got the LGS agency which they'll gonna endorse me @makati shangrila hotel, (damn. its a five star hotel baby! Ive been dreaming on working there eversince.) + the fact that I'll be applying as a Room Attendant position. OMG! its a dream come true:) and also a response from that online casino dealer somewhere  in ortigas. Ive been waiting that call 2 weeks ago. Since I also wanted to try how to be a casino dealer( i think its exciting! the gambling stuff). That was a dilemma for me. Both of them was scheduled last Monday at the very exact time, 1pm:) haha. It was so hard to choose which of them should i pick. The path i really wanted to be(Room attendant) or the new world I wanted to try (casino dealer). wheew! I prayed so hard and followed what's on my heart:) i choosed Shangri-la:)

It was MOnday, First day of the week. Fourth attempt @hotel industry. Heavy rain. I guess I was totally prepared, I even search facts about Shang and being a Room attendant. As I always says, I'll always do my BEST in everything and God:) will take the REST. I wasnt expecting much that time. Im just after the experience of how to be interviewed @shang and also to enter the employee's entrance of the hotel. I dont know, but it was a big privilage for me as a hotelwork dreamer.. haha. I think were all 40-50 applicants, most were boys, good looking boys:). lol. Also the girls were all pretty and tall. As usual, my competitors has their degrees, tourism and HRM from well-known Universities. Im getting used of it. Were also from different agencies. Most of us were applying as a Food attendant.  they need huge counts of that position for the banquet. The food attendants applicants will just undergo 2 interviews unlike us the Room attendant applicants will do 5 interviews..:) The first interviewer was the HR supervisor. A girl, thank God. Honestly I was really, super duper nervous that time although I had encountered lots of interview sessions in the past. At first I felt my voice was shaking that she had to pardon me haha. But I focused my mind, eye contacted her and speak loud and clear. Since she's in a hurry that time, she has this 2 questions for me, first is the "tell me something about yourself" and what to you think is the role of a room attendant?. I answered it both well, but im not that much confident that I made it until our coor told me so. OMG! I was like? really? Im gonna go back here for the next interview? hahahah! praise God:) I owe it to Him. EVERYTHING! I guess Mondays are always GOOD:) but not until the day ends. It was raining whole day and that causes to have a flash flood in different part of Manila, specially in Pasig.

aikatz :)